Civil Dialogue

— A Blog —

Explore information and facts about law, the judiciary, courts, and the rule of law through blog posts written by staff, student fellows, and friends of the Bolch Judicial Institute of Duke Law.

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HOLMES: A New Play About the Witty Supreme Court Justice

HOLMES: A New Play About the Witty Supreme Court Justice

“There is a secret but isolated joy in writing judicial opinions. I know that, a hundred years after I am buried and forgotten, men who have never heard of me will still be moving to the measure of my thought.” his excerpt from HOLMES, a new play...

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Watch these 10 movies & shows featuring real judges

Watch these 10 movies & shows featuring real judges

Real judges are dedicated public servants whose work and demeanor often differ from the common Hollywood tropes. Our staff member Eric Surber went on a search for shows that offer a more realistic portrayal of judges. Below are 10 documentaries and shows, in no...

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