In the News: EDRM initiatives among top e-discovery moves for 2017

Jan 4, 2018Latest News

Bolch Judicial Institute | Duke Law School
LegalTech News | 12.22.17

Five Major E-Discovery Industry Developments in 2017

Since the 2015 amendments of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), the way attorneys and judges approach e-discovery has been undergoing a transformation. But in 2017, the forces influencing e-discovery went far beyond case law.

In the midst of new technical challenges and market consolidation, e-discovery is going through a fine-tuning process. New best practices and guidelines are being released, and more practitioners are choosing to customize their own solutions and workflows. Suffice to say, there’s a new e-discovery industry on the horizon.

Duke Law’s Center for Judicial Studies’ new partnership with EDI and its EDRM initiative to develop TAR guidelines are listed among the most influential educational developments in e-discovery.

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