Judicature magazine profiles Duke’s judicial studies master’s program

Aug 31, 2012Latest News

Judicature magazine, a bi-monthly journal published by the American Judicature Society, covered the new Duke Law Master’s of Laws in Judicial Studies degree program in its 2012 July/August edition (96 Judicature 48 – July-Aug 2012).

In describing the ‘innovative’ master’s program for judges, Michael Ream wrote: “One of the more memorable days — Friday, June 1 — began with a seminar on judicial biography with Linda Greenhouse, the Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times Supreme Court reporter, and John Jeffries, the former dean of the University of Virginia Law School. In the afternoon, the judges discussed a forthcoming book on judicial decision-making, The Behavior of Federal Judges, by Judge Richard Posner, William Landes, and Lee Epstein. Judge Posner appeared by video conference for the discussion. Later, [U.S. Supreme Court] Justice [Samuel] Alito gave his lectures on Constitutional interpretation.”

Download a pdf of the full article.

[posted with the permission of the American Judicature Society]